
"First Time" Buyers Inspection

This inspection will cover all the information of a Home Buyers Inspection plus time during and at the end of the inspection to go over questions, regular maintenance concerns, and unforeseen costs that are sometimes overlooked by new owners who are used to living in a rental environment. Your inspection includes $25,000 in home warranties at no additional charge!

Annual Home Maintenance Inspections

A homeowner may want a list of repairs to work off of. Sometimes, it’s difficult to objectively evaluate your own house. An objective inspection report can help the homeowner prioritize home repairs.

Mold Testing

We want to make sure that your home or office is mold free. Do you have roof leaks, mold odors, or visible mold? The purpose of performing mold testing is to provide the you with a clear picture of the severity of the issue at hand. We are certified mold testers and members of the International Association of Certified Indoor Air Consultants.

Radon Testing

Every home is at risk of radon gas. The EPA recommends that all houses, regardless of what radon zone the house is located in, be tested for radon during point of sale. The most common procedure for radon testing during real estate transactions is for the potential buyer to request the radon test as part of the overall home inspection. It’s not about when a house was built but what’s in the soil under it.

No matter where you live, testing could save lives.

Additional Services

Mobile/Manufactured Home Inspections
Investment Property Inspections
Rental Property Inspections


Insurance Services

Four Point Inspection

  • Electrical Inspection
  • HVAC Inspection
  • Water Heater Inspection
  • Roof Inspection

Roof Inspections & Certifications

A comprehensive assessment of your roof reviewing installation, weathering, hail damage, wind damage, maintenance, mechanical damage, and discussing our finding.

Wind Migitigation

During a wind mitigation inspection, we look at features and add-ons that reduce the amount of damage your home may suffer in the event of a hurricane or strong windstorm.